Wow, RGP! I can't believe it! I can understand everything happening in this picture! Bloo's body is perfectly in place with his facial expression! It's really charming and funny! It's pretty good! His arm placement is right where it should be! They're on his sides and not on his chest! They're in an actual location of the show! I get why Mac is nervous! Bloo is looking like he's having a good time! You really get how facial expressions work and when that said facial expression should be put on a character! Your poses are dynamic and they're full of energy! All of the drawings you've been doing have characters in unique poses, doing something cool and showing lively expressions! Either they're moving around, or they're making a unique pose that makes the drawing more interesting. You always experiment and push yourself to try different perspectives and poses. You always listen to the tips I've given you or any other person has told you. You really know how to take criticism to heart, and that's pretty good to see considering how much you've been improving in these past few years! Everything that's being told to you is taken into consideration, I guess! And respond with "Welp. lmao" if you wish so! Keep listening to your friend's advice and keep doing a good job, and try avoiding doing the same mistakes you did so you can continue improving! You got a grip!