Reject the future
Embrace the past
Reject the future
Embrace the past
Traditional art?
No flippin' way... *dislikes instantly*
dude... i need episode 5 ASAP AND I MEAN IT
i need to know what happens next please PLEASE release episode 5 PLEASE
I can't make episodes for a while because of school :<
whens episode 4???????????????????????????
In like four days
this is badass
This was legitimately pretty funny all things considered
My only criticisms is that the animation could have benefited a lot from backgrounds
there could have been more frames on the lip-synching instead of relying on only two frames
and some of the expressions could have been definitely more worked out, like in the ending how he's amazed on how Maya could get herself into trouble all that fast, the voice acting clashes with his expression, his expression doesn't really convey the feeling of "both anger and amazement", it more looks like he's just slightly annoyed
Other than that, I think this was pretty solid.
I was going more for desperation and frustration with the last expression. but i get what you mean. otherwise, thanks for the input.
I don't get it.
This gun is the best gun
Damn, I didn't knew this was going to get graphical like that
This shit hurts, and it hurts bad
Hope you recover, man
get well soon.
Man, this is pretty catchy, and as usual I love the visuals
And the fact that it also loops pretty naturally is very cool
This is excellent as usual, and the fact you're using Aseprite always cheers me.
A.K.A RootPain / Big Whiskey / Big Swimmy
The one and only, either you like it or not.
Feel free to contact me at any time for any reason.
Age 23, Sunflower Boy
Joined on 3/11/20